Presence, update

Of course I have since realised that I have more online “presences” than the few I have linked to. I’ve added a couple more but I don’t know if it’s worth listing everything. Especially accounts that have been inactive for a while (six months or longer), and that I can’t be bothered to expend any more energy into. At some point you have to wonder how many online accounts you really need – is it really worth it? The Librarian in Black recently pondered the same question and stated that “I am starting to find it a rather time-consuming, and, frankly, annoying process.”

Don’t get me wrong, having a profile in Facebook, MySpace, Ning, LibraryThing, or whatever does have its benefits – I enjoy making connections with people and participating in discussions and events and what-have-you, even if I am not the most active or prolific poster, and you never know when an old contact will stumble on you when they create an account on one of those sites. It’s great when someone you haven’t been in contact with for years, messages or emails you as a result of finding your details online. I just wish it didn’t take quite so much effort to maintain all these profiles.

Will it ever be possible, or even desirable, to just have the one uber profile to use as a citizen (so to speak) of the global network? Something that functions a bit like a passport does now – allowing you entry into virtual locations without your having to reestablish your identity every single time you visit.