
On Con’s desk
Originally uploaded by Constance Wiebrands.

Paco gets The Snip sterilised today…

Update, the next morning: Paco’s fine, a bit subdued and sad-looking, but fine. He also whimpered a bit when we cuddled or petted him last night.


M 30 May 2007

Eh! Since when was he allowed on the desks! 😛

Poor Paco. I get empathy pain every time I think about it …. *yikes*

Penny 30 May 2007

owie! But for the best. You don’t want him bringing home blonde floozies when he’s a teenager and have to have a shot gun wedding.

CW 30 May 2007

M since he gets bored sitting on my lap when I’m working at the PC and wants to see what’s on the desk 😛

Penny, you made me laugh with that description of blonde floozies (I had images of labradors trailing after the chihuahua…)!

jl 31 May 2007

Poor Paco. Hope he heals up soon.

CW 1 June 2007

Cheers jl. He’s doing fine. By the next day he was back to being Mr Bouncy and running around as usual, even though the vet said to keep him quiet (Note to vet: Chihuahuas are impossible to “keep quiet”). The wound looks like it’s healing nicely…