
One good thing about making a list of things you’d like to do, is that when you look at this list at a later date it jogs your memory.

I’ve been pondering my (long-ignored) list on 43 things and realising that a couple of years ago, writing, and improving my writing, was a priority for me. If I remember correctly, when I started this blog back in 2005, one of my vague goals was to get myself to write, and to “write more”. Blogging almost daily has definitely helped with this! I used to have a really hard time whenever I had to write a report or anything else for work – I’m happy to report that this is no longer the case.

Improving my writing is still on the 43 things list, and I think I will leave it there for the time being. Can one ever stop improving, after all?

With writing, I think I need to have more specific goals, now. I’ve submitted a couple of abstracts for a forthcoming conference, and am pondering working on another with a colleague, but perhaps it’s time to think of different forums – perhaps an academic journal is the next goal. In fact after the conference last year a couple of journal editors approached me to see if I was interested in reworking my papers for publication in their journals, but what with one thing after another I never got around to it.

Another goal I had on the list was to “learn another language”. Well we’re doing that at the moment by attending weekly Dutch lessons. I’m really enjoying these classes.

Ik heb, jij hebt, u hebt/u heeft, hij heeft, zij heeft, wij hebben, jullie hebben

(I am already pondering the next level of lessons… )

What are your goals?


jl 29 May 2007

43 things!!! I’d forgotten entirely about 43 things. Oh dear… there’s just too much out there.

TB 29 May 2007

Hi CW, we reckon (for the Dutch) you have to develop your back of the throat gutteral spit. Mieke has just demonstrated…lol

CW 29 May 2007

It’s a good sound, innit? A bit of a challenge, I must say…

Alison Williams 29 May 2007

I achieved one of my goals at the weekend. I learned to fly. (In Second Life!) On the writing issue I’d agree totally with the need for specific goals. I know I want to write something about SL and libraries but have not yet decided what or where.

Sheena 30 May 2007

What a good question! One of the goals I have realised this year is to be a good enough singer to get into Canticum Chamber Choir. It has been a whole lesson in achieving something and finding a whole new level of difficulties and challenges! Professionally, my goal is to get back into academic libraries and get a position as a liaison librarian, but I need to get the library here sorted out to a higher degree, first. I haven’t yet persuaded the management to spend money on an automated information management system.

CW 31 May 2007

Thanks for sharing your goals, Alison and Sheena!

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