More on the Birkenstock experience

Remember how I whinged about the fact that the order I placed through the city Birkenstock shop hasn’t been filled?

Well, I went and got a refund on my $50 deposit the other day. The shop assistant who served me (the same person who told me that they didn’t prioritise single orders) apologised profusely and said they will no longer be offering to fill single orders, because they can’t fill them! I told her that if I’d known they weren’t able to come up with the goods I wouldn’t have bothered and would have just ordered my shoes online. It’s a pity they’re not taking a more proactive approach and looking at how they can improve their service, rather than just taking the easy way out and ceasing it.


And I am a sucker for their shoes; I succumbed and bought a pair anyway. I couldn’t get my Londons, instead I now have some Casablancas. (Was this the right message to give them? “You didn’t fill my order but I’ll buy from you regardless…”)


Fiona 28 May 2007

This is the kind of problem I had with shops all the time when I was growing up in Perth – really made you feel like were living on the end of the Earth.

FWIW, I don’t buy Birkenstocks locally either – I got my last two pairs while I was in Germany (much cheaper too, of course!)

Wearing my Bostons today.

TB 28 May 2007

Nah lol, Perth’s not the end of the world. I don’t Think the shops in Kal have heard of Birkenstock! Although I did get nice pair of Kumfs (NZ) the other day, so things are looking up! Hope you get your Londons CW.

CW 28 May 2007

Fi, if that isn’t an excuse for a trip to Europe, I don’t know what is! šŸ˜‰

TB I think I will enjoy my Casablancas for the time being… they are pretty comfy!