
PodCamp Perth 2007 – Constance Wiebrands

Originally uploaded by quinncd.

So I went to Podcamp. (It was a rainy Saturday anyway, and rather cold, so not ideal banana lounge weather.)

It was an interesting day, despite my initial half-heartedness, and despite the fact that I wasn’t really in the mood to talk much and found myself preferring to listen and observe. This photo of me by Chris Quinn sums up my mood quite well, I think.

I tried to tweet instead of blogging. Not sure how successful I was, given that I was using the Tablet and decided to use the stylus and practise writing to do my twittering. Perhaps I should have stuck to using the Tablet’s keyboard instead, as I found myself focussing rather more on the intricacies of handwriting recognition at times than listening. (The Tablet prefers flogging to blogging.)

Still pondering what I learnt and heard about at Podcamp; more later.


Penny 29 October 2007

Be interesting to hear your thoughts..