Alphabet meme

Tagged by Penny some weeks ago (thanks, Penny!) but didn’t have the time to consider my response, until now:

A is for asparagus. Have some in the fridge, and am pondering how to cook it.
B is for books. Like Penny, I can’t help this, being a librarian.
C is for cool. As in the weather. After a hot weekend last weekend, it has been cool and quite pleasant this weekend.
D is for dog. I can hear him playing with one of his toys in the other room.
E is environment. I’m generally pretty happy with my home environment (even if my study is always so messy), and my work environment, but I can’t help but wonder what will happen to The Environment, and what effect its deterioration will have on all of our lives in the future. Not to be gloomy or anything.
F is for fountain pen, my favourite writing implement. (You guessed I was going to say that, didn’t you?)
G is for gumnut. I have one on my desk – picked it up during a walk this afternoon.
H is for history. Specifically, family history. No particular reason for adding this, just been thinking about my two families lately and the word history is the first thing that popped into my mind when I thought ‘H’.
I is for Internet. What did we do without it??
J is for job applications. IMHO writing a job application is far worse than doing an exam.
K is for kale. I’d like to buy some, but as far as I know, and according to Kate, it’s only available in Freo. (Must get my act together one of these weekends…)
L is for language. It fascinates me, and I love listening to speakers of unfamiliar languages have conversations.
M is for music, especially anything by Mozart, which I seem to be enjoying very much lately.
N is for names. I had a strange dream the other night – dreamt I gave birth to a baby boy, who M and I named, and then, in the dream, I freaked out because I realised I’d forgotten to give it a Chinese name. I woke up feeling strangely anxious, but I can’t remember any of the names we gave this dream baby now. Pity…
O is for oasis, octopus, okapi, okra, ouzo. I cheated and picked up the dictionary – I was not expecting to have trouble with this letter!
P is for Paco who has now come into my room and is snuffling around.
Q is for quinoa, which I keep reading about. Must try some one of these days
R is for Radio National, my favourite station. I’ve been listening for years!
S is for sarong. Specifically, traditional Malaysian/Indonesian batik sarongs, which are my favourite items of clothing in the summer.
T is for trumpet. As in Telemann’s trumpet concerto number 1 in D major which is playing on iTunes at the moment.
U is for umbrella, which I will need to bring with me tomorrow as the forecast is for a morning shower!
V is for vegetarian, me the new vegetarian. I hesitate to say vegan even if I am mostly vegan for a great deal of the time, because I will make exceptions, especially for family occasions. This is the second time I’ve gone vegetarian, actually, and it seems to be easier – people are more supportive, even especially family (at a recent family do there were not one, not two, but four vegetarian dishes!).
W is for the first letter of my surname. It was quite a change to go from C (my maiden name, near the beginning of the alphabet) to W, let me tell you!
X is for… xylophone. I was going to ask what the difference was between a xylophone and a glockenspiel, but Wikipedia’s answered that question.
Y is for You, dear reader. Thanks for reading and all the support and comments through the years!
Z is for zephyr. There’s a nice one blowing in through my window at the moment.


Penny 19 November 2007

Thanks for playing πŸ™‚

Kale is quite easy to grow. I like it stir fried with a bit of garlic and fish sauce.

Quinoa is also nice – although I don’t have it often. You can make it like couscous as a base for a vege stew but it’s also nice as a cereal for brekkie.

CW 19 November 2007

Ah, but Penny I am the original Plant Killa πŸ™ I don’t have much confidence in my ability to nurture any plants at all, much less something like kale!