Compulsory voting

Yonks and yonks and yonks ago, the Gypsy Librarian asked me about compulsory voting* in Australia and what I thought about it. I think it’s a good thing, and prepared to blog my response. I researched the topic, read stuff about it, thought about it, made copious notes, and then lost all impetus to write about it.

What I should have done was just sit down and write the reasons compulsory voting is A Good Thing. Justine Larbalestier has, and I couldn’t have said it better if I’d tried.

I like our system. I feel really proud to be a citizen of this country on election day. Turn up at a polling place and everyone is waiting quietly and patiently to cast their vote. No dramas, no threats. Oh, and while it means nothing at all, I like refusing the How To Vote cards, politely, of course, from the volunteers from particular parties. (Yes I’m petty.)
*Technically, it’s not compulsory voting, in the sense that no one actually compels you to vote. What’s compulsory is attendance at a polling place; if you don’t turn up, you’re fined.


M 28 November 2007

I think compulsory voting is great too.

I just wish we had limited terms like the US :/

jl 28 November 2007

I am a fan of our system, too. (And i agree with M on limited terms.) When i see coverage of other countries torn by political unrest and strife, countries that don’t have a democratic system, it makes me really sad for their citizens, and makes me feel so relieved to be in Australia. We’re so fortunate to have a say.