
Cool. A meme.

1. Are you dating the last person you kissed?
Well, no. I’m married to him. That’s not dating, is it?

2. Pretend you’ve had 10 beers. What you would be doing right now?
Either having the spins or chundering. Or both.

3. What do you want?
A black Pelikan M200, with F nib. Plus X-F, M, B, and oblique nibs I can swap when I feel like it.

4. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
M. (see 1, above.)

5. Do you talk to yourself?
No. Unless you count blogging as talking to yourself.

6. Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
Don’t drink the stuff.

7. Who knows the latest secret about you?
If someone knows, then it’s not really a secret, is it?

8. How long is your hair?
Not very. After all those years of bum-length hair, I’m glad I decided to have it cut!

9. Do you like Batman?
Meh. Superheroes, I just can’t relate, you know?

10. Who was the last person who told you they loved you?

13. Do you like anyone now?
Of course. Except that strange guy at the Oats St station in the mornings who enjoys spitting. While we wait for the bus, he just stands there and spits. I kid you not. Makes me feel like smacking him and telling him to stop it. And I don’t believe in smacking, so you see how much I dislike the guy??

14. When was the last time you lied?
Never. [snicker]

16. Is your birthday on a holiday?
Nope. Except that I usually make sure I take the day off, so it is a holiday for me anyway. Decadent huh.

17. What instant messaging service do you use?
I wish my answer could be as clever as this.

18.Last thing you cooked today?
Don’t cook until dinner time. (Had pawpaw, mango, kiwi fruit and orange for breakfast.)

19. Did you have a nap today?
I don’t nap until after lunch. (It’s 5:42am.)

20. Whose house did you go to last?
M’s aunt’s place.

21. What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?
Jeans. Like Pavlov’s Cat, I hate the term sweats. And no, I don’t own any.

22. Why is the sky blue?
Why is the grass green?

23. Do you like green beans?
Yes. And cannelloni beans, black-eyed beans, kidney beans, soy beans…

24. Do you swear a lot?
Not really. The theory is, when I do swear, I am really really really annoyed.

25. Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing?
Good Sammy’s.

27. Do you use an alarm clock?
Yes. But I always wake up 1 minute before it goes off.

28. Where was your default MySpace picture taken?
No idea.

29. Do you ever snort when you laugh?

30. Whats the first thing you notice on the opposite sex?
Their hands. Their size, cleanliness, what they’re doing with them.

31. Is cheating ever okay?
When? On your partner – no. In management sims – yes.

32. Do you want someone you can’t have?
No. (actually I don’t get this question.)

34. Do you wear underwear?
What sort of question is this???

35. Do you wear a bra?
See Ampersand Duck’s answer.

36. What Size?
See 35, above.

37. Are you a social or an antisocial person?
It’s relative.
[The numbering goes all skewif from here onwards.]

39. Do you have a tan?
Yes, I have Birkenstock tan lines on my feet.

45. Are you afraid of the dark?
Not when I have my brave chihuahua to protect me!

47. Do you miss someone today?
Not until I thought of this question. Then I missed Baubles the Cat, my grandmother, and my friend B.

49. Do you still have pictures of you & your exs?
I think so, buried at the bottom of a box somewhere…

50. Who’s always there for you no matter what?
M. (And he does put up with a lot!)


M 7 December 2007

‘chundering’ is such a delightful word šŸ™‚

Penny 7 December 2007

Fang is a very good guard dog to have.

CW 10 December 2007

M, I like the word a lot and think it should be used instead of the v word!

Penny, yes he is šŸ™‚