Religious experience

Quote (translated from German publication) by Vint Cerf, Google vice president and chief internet evangelist on the religious overtones of his job title:

Humanity should understand the blessings of the internet. Our history shows: the more people go online, the more flat hierarchies are becoming. The more people join, the more free the world will be. Indeed I have almost religious faith in this.

And, a tip, should you be considering getting a job with Google:

When applying for a job with Google, Vint mentions it’s a plus if you have some special ability on the side; like being member of an ice skating group, or having gone through vocals training, or having an interest in animals. Vint adds that Google employees are a real team but that you won’t find a casual job with them, as they work on the highest level.

The interview was published in Zurich, in the Swiss publication Das Magazin. No, my German isn’t up to translating any German publications into English – the translation is Philipp Lenssen’s on Google Blogoscoped.

One Comment

genevieve 20 December 2007

I read somewhere ( I may even still ahve the link) that Cerf retired from W3 recently and had no fewer than FIVE books in the pipeline.