
It’s fig season at the moment, and I’ve been enjoying some fresh figs, courtesy of a work colleague who has a heavily laden tree.

Wednesday 23 January would have been Mama‘s birthday. Eating figs, I’ve been remembering how Mama too used to love eating figs, or mo fa guo.

(Ugh, I’ve just realised that Chinese is not displaying on this blog at the moment. It’s fixable, but I can’t do it right now. Another thing to add to the list…)


jl 26 January 2008

I thought about the birthday, too. *sighs*

juji 26 January 2008

little things that make me smile..

they creep up all the time.

Penny 27 January 2008

Ours aren’t quite ready. Hope the silver eyes don’t eat them all! 🙁 The tree is too big for me to net.
Fig and ginger jam is in my future.