Book meme

From Angel:

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pgs.)
2. Open the book to page 123
3. Find the fifth sentence
4. Post the next three sentences
5. Tag five people

I seem to have a few books on my desk at the moment, but the only one that fits the bill is The way of the white clouds: A Buddhist in Tibet by Lama Anagarika Govinda. It fits the bill in that it has sentences; the other books are Teach yourself Dutch, 201 Dutch verbs fully conjugated (rivetting! 🙂 ), Hungry Planet, Seven Hundred Penguins and the Cafe Flora cookbook

The sentences:

Indeed, the whole gigantic process of biological development through millions of years seems to have had no other purpose than to create the necessary conditions for the manifestation of higher consciousness.

To the Buddhist consciousness is the central factor, from which all other things proceed and without which we would neither have a notion of our own existence nor of a world around us. Whether the ‘world around us’ is a projection of our consciousness or something that exists in itself, and only appears to us in the form in which we experience it, is of secondary importance.


You’re tagged if you feel like it.

One Comment

Akkadis 18 February 2008

I thought I’d give it a go, but the only book near me at the moment is Strunk and White’s /The Elements of Style/, and it only has 105 pages including the index… *sigh*

I’ll try again when I got home – lots of books there :p