Three more sleeps

The big trip is now only days away, but I haven’t actually started packing yet. However I have already organised one of the (to me) most important things for any trip: my reading material.

I’m not sure how I’ll survive the long flight to London, but I am counting on the fact I will have a good book to distract me. I will be reading (rereading) The Sherlock Holmes Mysteries, a compilation of 22 classic Sherlock Holmes stories. This volume, purchased secondhand, contains my favourite Sherlock Holmes story, The red-headed league. The theory is that I will be able to abandon this particular book if I need to, as I already have a well-read and well-loved copy of Sherlock Holmes – if I end up buying too many books, for instance. However I am not 100% confident that I will be able to just leave it behind somewhere, as I hate disposing of books (no, Bookcrossing is not, and has never been, for me).

M too has been planning his airplane distractions, and has got two novels: Halting State by Charles Stross and Infoquake by David Louis Edelman. (I’d like to read these two, too!) He’s also got some games for his Nintendo DS.

Today’s my last day of work for a few weeks. Here’s to hoping I finish off my To Do list!


jl 26 June 2008

Can’t believe your holiday is almost upon you! It seems like yesterday that you were asking about places, hotels, things to do… 🙂

genevieve 27 June 2008

You’ve reminded me, CW! I must read those again too!
have a fantabulous time, please give my regards to Montmartre.