Spot the dodo…

Spot the dodo…

Originally uploaded by Constance Wiebrands.

So we’re home again and have been for over a week now.

Ten things learned this trip:

1. It is possible to go overseas, for a month, with only hand luggage. We learned a fair bit about European laundromats (they’re just as grotty as Australian ones). Also, it is not necessary to have as many clothes as I do.

2. Travelling by train, while slower than the plane, is far more civilised. There is so much more room for your limbs. One can get up and walk around without tripping over other people. The scenery is more changeable and interesting. It is possible to actually sleep on a train, and without worrying about lolling about on other passengers. I have now come to the conclusion that I hate intercontinental flights.

3. I do have self control and can stop myself from buying every book I see. (Cf. point one, above.) This trip we even came in under budget and I like to think it is because I didn’t buy all the Simenon novels I saw in that London secondhand bookshop, those six Dutch dictionaries and and all those assorted Dutch language textbooks. (I did, however, buy not one, but two pairs of shoes.)

4. Next time we go to Europe we will spend more time outside the big cities. While I always find the cities great fun, this trip I really enjoyed the smaller places we visited – very interesting and a great way to experience the local culture.

5. There is quite a lot of wireless access in Europe. I regretted not bringing a laptop, because Internet cafes are not as common as I’d thought they’d be. I imagine that over the years there might be even fewer of them as smaller devices (eeepc and iPhone-like) become more and more available and people don’t need/want desktop PCs to connect.

6. I like museums (especially for art) and aquariums (fish, corals, etc) but am not so keen on zoos (big cats, apes and elephants in captivity always seem so sad). The aquarium and the insect house in the Berlin Zoo: great fun. I especially loved the ant farms.

7. It is confirmed: Hitler was a maniac. I found Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin very moving.

8. Yes, I love languages. If only we’d had a longer stay in the Netherlands – I could have learned a lot more Dutch. And I did mention, didn’t I, that thanks to our stay in Paris, I have now lost my fear of the French language. Must work out how I’m going to fit in French lessons. Unfortunately/amusingly, my German has become “contaminated” by Dutch – in Germany whenever people spoke to me in German I found myself automatically answering in Dutch! It was quite strange.

9. I can eat almost anything. Snails. Hagelslag. Maatjes haring (which I love). Curry wurst.

10. A long holiday is very rejuvenating. I have come back from this holiday feeling energised and ready to work!

Photo taken in the Natural History Museum, London.

I have recovered from jetlag now. Not a pleasant experience at all. I am a bit behind in writing and answering emails but promise that I will get on to them soon.


Simone 5 August 2008

Lots I could say, but yay!! covers most of it! (I especially found the hand luggage fascinating. I’ll be backpacking for at least a year next year. I know i can do it, but its been a while!!!)

Penny 5 August 2008

Very interesting!

oh and the dodo I think is the feathered one.