Shanachies video

I was of two minds whether to highlight this video on this blog, but seeing as Kathryn and Rachael already have, take a look:

Perth Down Under from Jaap van de Geer on Vimeo.
(Please follow the link; for some reason the code is breaking the CSS on this blog, and I need to get ready for work, so I won’t embed the video.)

Read Erik and Jaap’s observations.

Bear in mind that it was a Sunday and I was completely not expecting to be interviewed and recorded on video. I’m surprised that I manage to make sense.

And I should have corrected Erik when he called me Conny. I prefer the Dutch spelling to Connie, though.

One Comment

Penny 20 November 2008

I thought you sounded fine and it was interesting to see the iZone and hear about it. We recently put in a learning commons area which I think could have benefited from a lot more in terms of technology been added to it.