Remembering Baubles (Wordless Wednesday)


CW 10 December 2008

By the way, in case you were wondering, no I am not having a sad day thinking about Baubles the Cat, I just came across this picture this morning and it made me smile. She was such a character and so different to the dogs.

They seem practically gormless when I compare them to Baubles – she would have eaten Peppi for breakfast and Paco would have run squealing with his tail between his legs. Baubles was almost 7 kilos in weight – Paco is 4kg (he’s a giant chihuahua) and Peppi a mini 2kg. The dogs just love us, while Baubles put up with us.

Penny 11 December 2008

Heh heh – yes, cats do like to “control”. I see the cushion has been repurposed.

laura 12 December 2008

It made me happy to see Baubles in my aggregator again!

CW 18 December 2008

Penny, no self-respecting cat would sit on that cushion now! The dogs, on the other hand don’t seem to care how disgusting it gets.

Thanks Laura 🙂