Are we there yet?

I find it amusing that quite a few people think that there’s nothing happening at uni at this time of year. (The same people who think that teachers just show up at class and teach, without having to do any prep, or marking, or learning for themselves, I guess.) Just because the students have finished for the year doesn’t mean everything has shut down at uni. We might not be dealing with huge hordes at the moment, but there’s still plenty that needs to be done: serving the students who are still here, doing updates that can’t be done when we’re busy, finishing off 2008’s projects, and planning for next year (in a large library like MPOW things don’t usually just happen).

I’ll be working all the way until Christmas Eve, too, so I can’t let myself get too much into the spirit of things for the time being. I find that I do enjoy this time of year – not so much for the festivities, although I do enjoy catching up with people I don’t see much during the year- but I like reflecting over what I’ve done in the year. This year’s been a busy and enjoyable one. I’ll have a bit of time to reflect, as I will be holidays until 5 January.

2009 should be an interesting one. My stint acting in my current role actually ends in March, so something will have to happen before then – hopefully involving me reapplying for the position. A case of dominoes, in that it all depends on another position – if the person acting there gets her job, then I will have the opportunity to apply for my job. If she doesn’t, she comes back to her substantive position, which is the job I have been doing this year. I then have to go back to my old role. The good/bad thing is that I know I don’t want my old job.

Jobs aside, I also have Aurora to look forward to – this is an annual leadership “institute” for librarians, which is somewhat competitive to get into. This happens in February, and I am really looking forward to it. And then there’s the paper to complete for Educause. Am also meant to be on a panel, for the same conference, with Kathryn and Peta. Lots to do!

One Comment

Penny 15 December 2008

yes, we always seem to be doing lots of projects during this time so while the desk is really quiet, we are not!

Enjoy Aurora – I’ve heard lots of good things about it 🙂 And good luck regarding the job!