
I’m amazed that it’s December already. How can the year be almost over? Where did it all go?

At the moment I seem to be reflecting a lot on the past year. Been scribbling in my notebook (I hesitate to call it a journal because I jot everything down in it, and not just journal-type writings) a fair bit, trying to untangle my thoughts. I seem to feel a little sadder than I did this time last year. Perhaps it’s because of all that’s happened this year. Don’t get me wrong, though, even if I am a little sad, in a way I am enjoying the reflections. I may share some of them here over the coming weeks. We’ll see.

Also been pondering the year to come. I wonder what 2008 will bring. What should I do with this blog in the new year?
Oh, and given that it’s December, I’ve sort of completed NaBloPoMo – even if I didn’t quite manage to blog every single day, I think the effort of trying to do so has gotten me back into the swing of things.

One Comment

Penny 3 December 2007

It’s gone so fast hasn’t it. I kind of feel like I’ve been in limbo all this year – not doing much, not achieving much. But it hasn’t been a bad year, just a kind of marking time sort of year.