
A colleague was selling eggs from her own chickens, and I bought a dozen.

I love the look of these eggs. I love their unwashedness and the different colours of the shells. The eggs you buy at the shop are so uniform and clean.

I wonder what sorts of chickens she has.

Do different breeds of chicken lay eggs with different-coloured shells?

Or is the colour of the shells merely determined by what the chickens eat?

Or something else altogether?

I could look it up, or ask my colleague, but I like speculating…

It seems almost a pity to break these eggs…

I’ll get over it, I’m sure!


Sheena 24 September 2009

It looks like some of them are blue! How magical! And I think when you do bring yourself to break them, you will find that the yolks are a much more vivid yellow than you are used to.

Penny 24 September 2009

mmm eggs.
think different breeds have different coloured shells from memory. šŸ™‚

CW 24 September 2009

Sheena i love the blue ones especially šŸ™‚

Thanks Penny. Maybe I will ask my colleague what sort of chooks she has…

Jody 27 September 2009

The breed of the chook determines the colour of the egg shell. The blue and green ones came from araucanas, the brown ones from Rhode Island reds and Hyline Browns and the white ones from Anconas and Minorcas. I also have a cross-bred chook that lays olive coloured eggs. Incidentally, you can tell what colour eggs (white or brown at least) a chook will lay by the colour of its earlobes – white earlobes mean white eggs and red earlobes mean brown eggs. Not sure why but it does work šŸ™‚

CW 28 September 2009

Thanks Jody.

Wait – chickens have EARS???
