Doh je*

Doh je

  1. Time out, having it.
  2. Friends, listening and talking.
  3. Dogs, always there in the moment.
  4. Good books, transporting you away.
  5. Poetry, (re)discovering it.

* Thank you, in Cantonese


genevieve 1 August 2009

1. my autistic son says ‘me love you’

2. Singing nephews and nieces in West Side Story (WOW GUYS).

3. Nice daughter who drove me to the show and back.

4. My house is warm

5. I have some amazing books to read

Penny 3 August 2009

which poets are you rediscovering? 🙂

CW 3 August 2009

Thank you, genevieve 🙂

Penny, I think I am more realising the truth in this statement, that: “Taste in poetry, as in all the arts, is very much a personal matter.” Phil Roberts, How poetry works (2000). I used to read some poems and wonder why I couldn’t hear anything in them, and I would think it was a flaw in me; I am very slowly learning what I do like, and focussing on those instead. Currently enjoying the collection of Adrienne Rich’s poetry The fact of a doorframe.