My news

I’ve got a new job! In January 2010 I will be working at Edith Cowan University Library, as their new Manager, Library Services. This is a new position, so it doesn’t feature on their Senior Staff list as yet. In answer to your question, Steve, no it’s not a secret (it definitely isn’t now I’ve gone and blogged it). I believe my colleagues-to-be at ECU have been informed, and I have told most of my Curtin colleagues now.

Announcement on Twitter

Sharing news in this day and age is a strange process. I found myself wanting to tell most of Curtin colleagues friends face-to-face, but this wasn’t always possible. I used email. I called people. I did eventually announce it on Twitter, but I found myself strangely coy on that forum and I think I initially botched it a bit by not really telling people what I am going to be doing. (Above, my Twitter “announcement”.)

This of course lead to requests for more information.

More information

It is quite challenging to try and describe a new job in 140 characters or less. My attempt on Twitter was based on the position description and selection criteria – I might have to try and describe it again in six months’ time when I will have actually been doing the job.

After Twitter I shared my news on Facebook.


(The screenshot misses out a few comments!)

Some of my friends got to hear my news via email, then read it on Twitter, and then saw it on Facebook – and very graciously congratulated me each time.

On the other hand some of my friends were completely missed by the process as they are not on my usual email rota, nor are they on Facebook or Twitter – sorry, poor neglected blog readers! Just goes to show how my blogging practice has been overtaken by Twitter and Facebook these days. (And when I do write more than 140 characters I find I am scribbling in my diary.) I hope you can forgive me.

2010 will be an interesting and challenging year, I think. I am really looking forward to the new job. There will be a lot to learn and I am keen to get to know my new colleagues. I’ll miss my old colleagues, of course, but will keep in touch (Perth is such a small town) and continue my friendships with many of them. I will have to see how I can build in some blogging/written reflection time into my days.


Kate 9 December 2009

It’s brilliant news, and an interesting post about how we disseminate news these days! 2010 looks like being an interesting, challenging, fun year for you. Well done. Kate

Kathryn Greenhill 9 December 2009

Congratulations Con!. As you point out, it’s a little odd in this day and age bcs I congratulated you on Twitter when you shared the news, but also felt like I needed to congratulate you here too šŸ™‚ More congratulations will never go astray. I look forward to seeing the joys and challenges of the next six months … how about a post in June about whether you are doing what you thought you would be doing šŸ™‚


kalgrl 10 December 2009

sad to see you go {sob}, however, very happy for you as it should be very interesting at ECU. Congrats! šŸ™‚
I reflect I did an undergraduate degree with ECU (off campus from kal) and still haven’t been to the library, (recip. membership here) will have to visit and take you to lunch!