Good questions

  1. Who cares? [Am I taking this too seriously? Will this matter in 5 years?]
  2. What is the most important thing I can do right now? [Priorities! Focus!]
  3. Would I rather be right or be happy? [“You don’t have to exist in a “me against someone else” headspace. You don’t have to defend positions all the time or build walls.”]
  4. Am I in the present moment right now? [It can be all too easy to “slip out of the present moment and back into negative and pointless thought loops about the past/future.”]
  5. Am I detached from the results? [Focus on what’s right in front of you, don’t weigh yourself down with “a lot of imagined or real expectations from other people and self-created negativity.”]
  6. Is there anyone on the planet having it worse than me right now? [Stop focusing on the negatives. What is the hidden opportunity in this situation?]

Original post here.