One day in the life

I’m posting this one day late but I did make a note of my day yesterday.

The idea is that anyone who works in a library can participate, by sharing what you did on 25 January 2010.

I am the new Manager, Library Services at Edith Cowan University Library. Very new – only started work at ECU on 11 January 2010.

5:00 The alarm goes off. Look at tweets (iPod Touch) and listen to the radio. Take the dogs outside for brief morning constitutional.
5:30 Cup of tea. Switch computer on. Look at feeds and Twitter and write a couple of emails. Facebook.
6:00 Make breakfast. Noodles and fruit.
6:45 More tea.
7:00 Wash vegetables and fruit for lunch. Fill water bottle.
7:15 Shower.
7:25 Get dressed. Read. Currently reading The talented Miss Highsmith: The Secret Life and Serious Art of Patricia Highsmith by Joan Schenkar.
8:10 Give the dogs something to chew on.
8:15 Leave the house with M. Have-a-good-day kiss at M’s stop. I walk on, another 10 minutes to bus stop. Bus arrives as I reach the stop.

8:35 Arrive at campus. Switch computer on.
8:45 – 9:00 Look at emails. Send email to Boss re staffing issue.
9:00 Phone rings. Talk to Student Services Manager about library involvement in beginning of semester orientation events.
9:05 Start filing, deleting emails. Add to personal kanban. (Trying this style of To Do list. Thanks to Dave Pollard for the inspiration.)
9:15 Call library user re his complaint – the library is too noisy. Thankfully he is no longer angry; we have a discussion about why libraries are now such noisy places. He says he can no longer use certain libraries because of noise. “I’ve even tried earplugs!” He makes a couple of suggestions and I thank him and assure him we will keep looking at how the library is organised. After he hangs up, make notes on the call.
9:30 Phone rings. Colleague from other campus library with idea about Summon (we’re calling it Library OneSearch).
9:35 Write email to HR re staffing issue.
9:40 Hello to team member just back from her holidays.
9:45 Walk across to cafeteria, get some milk. Make tea in staff room. Back at desk.
9:55 Phone rings. Same colleague, needing information. Provide it.
10:00 Begin on task I have been not-quite putting off: reading annual performance review and workplan documentation. Sidetrack myself reading university policies. Eat some fruit: cherries and apricot and plum.
11:00 Book self in for work planning training. Check about financial services training: “Yes, you need to do that training.” Book self in. Tell self not to grizzle about having to Do Training.
11:15 – 12:00 Continue reading performance review documentation. Email boss re team members’ work plans from last year. I need to see these so I can work on this year’s with each person.

12:00 – 12:30 Lunch, while reading feeds and tweets.
12:30 Email some links, discovered over lunch, to colleagues. Email from colleague at Old Place of Work, wanting to know where something is. Luckily I still remember and can tell her! Email, and more email. Reading. Pondering (how to…).
2:00 – 2:10 Get up, stretch, go outdoors for a quick walk around. It’s warm out, slightly muggy.
2:10 More email! Vaguely wish it was possible to get people to stop sending it.
2:20 Look up book using new Summon-powered search and find it. Locate it on shelf and bring it downstairs. This is reading for one of the tasks on my workplan for the year – preparing the library website for the new CMS. Start looking through book. Make notes on what I need to find out. “How do I… Who’s doing… When can we… ” (You don’t realise, until you are newly arrived in a workplace, how much you learn and eventually know and internalise about your workplace.)
3:00 Look at calendar, at the rest of the week’s tasks and meetings. Ponder a way to share information on my schedule with team members across three campuses. Finally just print off the next three weeks and stick them to my door. This will do for now. Wish my list of questions wasn’t so long.
3:20 Print off a couple of documents for reading and meetings at other campus.
3:30 File – emails and papers.
3:45 Log out and head for home.
3:50 Bus is at stop when I get there. Browse in neighbourhood op shop briefly.

4:15 Home. Ecstatic dogs. Package from Book Depository in letter box. Tea. Play with dogs. Loll about.
5:15 M home. More ecstasy from dogs. Read.
6:15 Go and get takeaway. (Naughty!)
6:30 Phone rings. Mortgage broker. He will come over Thursday evening. (We are planning to sell our house and upgrade.)
7:00 Feed dogs.
7:15 Read. Chat with M. Look at work emails. Emails from Boss, which I reply to.
7:45 Relocate to bed. Read. Write (notes, diary). Play games on iPod Touch. M brings me a cup of tea. Doze off.
9:30 Peppi wakes me with frenzied barking. Paco is unperturbed. Maybe Peppi had a bad dream? M comes and gets Peppi to keep him company (he’s watching a movie I think.) Read some more.
10:30 Lights out.

It will be interesting to see what my day is like a year on. 25 January 2010 was unusual in the lack of meetings and the fact that I was more or less closeted in my office. I did get a lot of reading done but having so much time to think is a luxury.

See also Jo’s and Kathryn’s and Michelle’s.

What was your day like?


Penny 26 January 2010

bother – forgot to do it this year. Oh well šŸ™‚ Amazing how much time email takes up but I remind myself it should be classed as “communication”.

Jo 26 January 2010

Gosh, what a day! My fav part was the goodbye kiss with M!! Can’t wait to read next year’s post and see how much has changed.

rachael 2 February 2010

thanks for posting this! i like the attention to detail – feel less guilty about hopping on the computer in the morning before work now. and getting up a bit earlier to get some reading in? great idea.