Something’s wrong with the Kobo

Something's wrong with the Kobo

This morning after loading a newly purchased book onto the Kobo, I found that something had gone seriously wrong with the display.

I don’t know what happened.

I’ve tried the usual: leaving it, switching on and off, hard reset, but that’s how the screen looks. I conclude that there’s a hardware issue here. I haven’t dropped the Kobo so am at a loss as to how this happened.

Something's wrong with the Kobo

With half the screen looking as it does, books are currently unreadable on the Kobo. Normally I would be pretty devastated and annoyed at the moment. Of course, I am still kind of peeved but it’s tempered somewhat because I can use the iPad for ebook reading.  I have transfered the books I am currently reading on the Kobo to the iPad (hooray for epub!), and I’ll take it in to Borders tomorrow to see what they suggest. (And of course I can hear you all reminding me that I can still read paper books.)

It would be nice if they have some magic fix. Whatever it is, I hope it can be easily fixed. I would love to be able to take the Kobo to Melbourne with me next weekend. I wonder if it’ll just be the iPad, though…

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, the book I bought was perfectly innocuous: Unknown by Mari Jungstedt. I had a $5 off voucher from Kobo so it cost me $6.

Update on the Kobo Sunday 11 July: I took it back to Borders on Friday 9 July. They are going to call Melbourne about the warranty, and I’ll be hearing from them on Monday or Tuesday.


Polyxena 11 July 2010

My problem with ebooks is not device; i just use my ipod with different apps loaded. My problem is that titles I want to read are not available in Oz. It’s very frustrating going Kindle shop and seeing MY recommendations only to discover not available for sale in Oz. Do you have this issue? Maybe not?

CW 11 July 2010

Yep, definitely have this problem too, Polyxena. For the time being I seem to be avoiding the problem by mainly using my devices to read public domain works. I am going to become quite well-read when it comes to Victorian and other “classic” authors…

Penny 21 July 2010

oh no! hope they can fix it.