A new age in travel reading

On Sunday I’ll be going to Melbourne. I consider reading material to be an essential part of my travel inventory, and normally, by this time I would be seriously pondering what book to bring with me for the trip. It’s a lot more difficult than you would think. The book has to be interesting enough that I will be happy to pick it up at the end of a long day. Ideally, it has to be of the perfect length to last me the entire trip. If I am currently reading something, I either have to finish it before I go so I can take something fresh with me, or it has to be long enough to last the entire trip. It can’t be bulky or heavy.

This time however I will have lots to read while away:

  1. Doctor Thorne by Anthony Trollope (currently reading, may be finished by Sunday)
  2. Framley Parsonage by Anthony Trollope (next book in the Barchester series after Dr Thorne)
  3. Can you forgive her? by Anthony Trollope (first in the Palliser series)
  4. Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey
  5. Unknown by Mari Jungstedt
  6. Four Kate Wilhelm detective novels. FOUR!
  7. The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu (Royall Tyler translation)
  8. Assorted journal articles

Such variety! And the best part, all of this on the one device, the iPad. (I do still wish I had my Kobo, but what’s that pithy saying for these sorts of situations? “First World Problems”!)

You might look at the list and wonder if I am just going to Melbourne to READ. The reality is that I will probably only have time to read on the plane. The rest of the time I will be attending a two-day seminar, and catching up with some of my Melbourne PLN. I’m looking forward to it!


Michael 14 July 2010

Make sure you bring a charger 🙂

Sheena 15 July 2010

Almost this convinces me to try e-books. At present I have a long commute on a train and am going through 2 books a day. Packing for trips is always an exercise in weightlifting. What bliss to have it all loaded on one small flat package!

snail 16 July 2010

I echo the need for charger – On my recent trip to Albury, I hadn’t realised I’d properly charged my kindle for a while. Said kindle ran out of juice the morning of the last day. Couldn’t recharge as had forgotten cable.