1. Chihuahuas, even though I am currently hemmed in by both dogs and am perched on the edge of the bed. They are affectionate, enthusiastic, happy and such fun to have around. Currently still peaceful while they sleep.
2. Daybreak. I love watching, through the window, the sky gradually brighten.
3. The quiet. Everything’s still asleep. Best of all, little car noise.
4. The birds. So alive.
5. Possibilities. A whole new day ahead.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Gratitude for: being able to dry clothes on the line all year round; catching up with people this time of year; holidays coming!; Fudge purring on the chair in the evenings; new blinds in our bedroom which stop the light glaring in the middle of the day.
Grateful for the online community, getting me motivated.
Glad my morning dizziness has abated – could it just be dehydration, like my son thinks? Maybe that’s all it is.
Glad the rain is just that, not excessive or frightening.
Grateful CW posts these lovely reflections.