Is this the answer?

I have been an early riser for some years now. From memory, I first started getting out of bed at 5am every morning because I wanted more time to myself before having to get ready for work. This routine generally suits me as I am a morning person anyway – by around 10pm my energy levels tend to be very low.

Lately however the 5am rising has been somewhat disrupted. Because the 5am rising has been disrupted, my blogging has also become very sporadic.

As far as I can see there are two main problems:

1. The chihuahuas. Peppi has a naughty habit of trying to wake me at around 3am, wanting to be let out into the front yard to check the perimeter. (after she checks, she comes indoors to pee on the spread newspaper in the laundry.) Usually I ignore her, and try to go back to sleep. Sometimes Peppi settles and goes back to sleep too, other times she incites Paco to play and then I have two frisky chihuahuas bouncing around for a few minutes before they go back to sleep. Then they both wake me again at 4am anyway, to go outside for a pee.

2. After the morning constitutional, I usually hop back into bed, because 4am is too early. However I am usually wide awake by now, and it’s a simple matter to pick up the iPad to start browsing feeds and chatting on Twitter. From here on it’s kind of easy to just stay in the comfy bed and keep reading on the iPad, rather than getting up to do any writing, blogging, meditating or whatever.

I have just installed this app, BlogPress, on the iPad, and have tapped out this post while lying on my side in bed, listening to ABC Classic FM, in the morning light. Maybe – I hope! – this will get me back to blogging again in the mornings.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Penny 7 December 2010

a doggy door maybe?

flexnib 8 December 2010

If we did use the existing doggy door, I bet the dogs would still come and get me to open it for them 😉