Day 30 #blogjune Library LAN

The other day, on Twitter, a few of us (@morfaine, @snailx, @bookbuster, @JohnsanG; @mpfl are you interested in joining us?) started throwing around the idea of getting together to have a good, old-fashioned LAN party.

I think we ended up deciding the following details:

Date: Saturday 24 September
Time: To be finalised, but I think some of us were thinking of an all day extravaganza, while others (more sensibly) suggested a night-time event. This would mean we could have the traditional repast of pizza and carbonated caffeine beverage (Coke).
Where: @flexnib and @morfaine’s place (we’ll DM/email you the details)
Bring: Laptop/netbook, or desktop computer, or both. Any mobile gaming-capable devices e.g. iPad.
What we’ll play: open. Co-op or competitive? Minecraft? Shooters? World domination?
Hashtag: #librarylan 🙂

It will be especially cool as snail will still be in town post-NLS5 and library unconference.

Please let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to do.

Last day of #blogjune. How have you found it this time around?


snail 30 June 2011

I thought the best LAN parties ran for 24 hours 🙂

flexnib 4 July 2011

They used to, back when I was a tiddler…