The Daily Image

6.2.2011I like this time of year for all the reflective posts that are written. One can’t help but think back over the year that’s been.

This year I have added support (shall we say) for my reflections in the form of a series of photos of myself taken daily and posted on Flickr. My contributions are part of a project called Daily Image 2011 – “One photo/video/drawing each day with yourself in it. …You do not have to create the image, but you do need to be in it somewhere.”  (I’m not sure if I’ve made much of this project here on the blog. Most of the comments have been either on Flickr or Twitter.)

I haven’t managed to take photos every single day of this year, but I don’t think I’ve done too badly.

It’s been a very interesting exercise. At the beginning, there were days where I found it quite difficult to take and post a picture, not due to vanity, but due to feeling like I was being very narcissistic or self-indulgent (“Look at me, AGAIN”). It was also a bit strange to be looking at my face so much. I’m sure I could have focussed on different sorts of photos, but because I was taking them of myself, it gradually settled into a portrait taking exercise.

And after a while it did become a part of my daily routine. I started playing with the light in my surroundings, the background, and whatever I was wearing, to try and add some interest to my shots. I like having recorded my face on a daily basis – I wonder what I’ll think when I look back on these pictures. I didn’t make it a point to write a caption or story for each photo, until some friends suggested that I should, in early November. It’s a bit of a pity that I didn’t until then, as I can’t always remember what I was thinking or doing when I took a particular photo.4.11.2011

I’m not sure which photo is my favourite, or if I even have one. I might wait until the end of the year to decide.

I’m amazed at how adept I’ve become at taking self portraits. I prefer the camera for these shots, I find it easier to hold the camera still, and the button to click is easier to find and to press than on the iPhone.

I’ve also found that I have gotten into the habit of waiting for, and enjoying friends’ pictures.

If you’re not on Twitter and haven’t been looking at these shots, the set is here.