
I think I have just had one of those “Eureka!” moments.

I’m in a rut.

I’ve been dwelling too long on some achievements from a long while ago, but I haven’t really done anything since to build on them or challenge myself. Really I have just been doing the same things over and over.

Also, even though I pride myself on not wasting time by watching the silly videos that get forwarded around the net, I waste my time by doing other things – I can spend HOURS gazing at trinkets on Etsy, or reading blurbs about must-read books, or looking for ebook versions of said books. Really, I’d be better off reading some of the books I already have access to.

And while I might not look at funniest-home-video things, much of the reading I do is of the strictly escapist/relaxation variety.
View of Paris 1
Now there’s nothing wrong with that (I don’t watch much telly so I have to get my R&R somewhere!), but I think I need to start reading and doing things that stretch and challenge me as well, and that will help me learn new things.

I wish I could remember the article I read a while back, I think it was about a successful woman who said she always read three books at a time: one for sheer enjoyment, one to learn more about what she’s doing right now, and one to learn something completely new. Can I do this too?

And you know how things appear when you need them?

Spotted the following:

Several sources indicate that less than 15% of the American population reads with any regularity. Information is ubiquitous, but unfortunately, most people are taking in frivolous information. Reading is making a deliberate choice as to what you introduce to your psyche. If you want to get ahead, this is not an optional activity. (Just a an aside — aimlessly surfing the web does not count.)

from 12 Most Essential Habits for Success (it has some very good points, not just about reading);


Input is priceless. Swap telly trash and internet twaddle for books, exhibitions and live events.

This second quote is from an article in the UK’s Daily Mail: Wear what you like, read all the books you can – and ignore everything boys say: My manifesto for young women

I’ve been feeling unsettled for a couple of days, and it took me a while to figure it out – ut this is why. Realising that I’m in a rut, and not liking it.

The FQ blog is really having some unanticipated, but very good effects on me – making me think, and shining the spotlight in corners I usually would prefer to avoid completely… Come to think of it, the unsettled uncomfortable feeling was akin to the feeling you get when you receive criticism. In this case, the critic was me.

Good. I now know what to do.