Here’s June

June means it’s #blogjune time again. It’s changed a lot since the first one.

Unlike snail, I’m too lazy to figure out how many posts I wrote in previous Junes. I’m pretty sure there have been a few years where I haven’t had the energy to blog, and many years where I’ve started out okay and then hit a snag at some point in the middle of the month and failed to finish.

Like Kathryn, I think I’ll keep it simple. I might just write a few lines on whatever I’m reading, looking at, thinking about. Occasional chihuahua pictures.

This year, June feels a bit different to me. Folks are all scattered. A few on Mastodon. Some post mostly on Instagram. Threads. Others on Bluesky. Probably some on TikTok too. Twitter? (ugh) Facebook?! For me, apart from Mastodon, all my accounts on all the other sites are dormant. I don’t want to put my energy there. I did idly consider posting on some of those sites, inviting folks to blog if they felt like it, but decided against it. C’est la vie.

I do wonder why I still bother at all. I guess I like the ritual of it. Come July I’ll be on leave. Maybe I’ll have the space and energy to keep blogging, past June? I should know better than to plan anything like that, ha.


snail 1 June 2024

I discovered the joy of post copying this time which meant my first post was a copy of last year’s post with a line added to the table and new text.

flexnib 2 June 2024

Well done anyway! I might do a review of #blogjunes past if I need something to blog out as the month progresses…

Graeme Oke 1 June 2024

I’ve heard nor seen anything but your posting about blogjune for 2024. Even X (Twitter) is silent. Only my posting/s and @snailx from last year. Well done for carrying on the flame. I doubt I’ll post much if anything this year. Regards @GraemeO28

flexnib 2 June 2024

Hi Graeme, given that there’s nothing official about #blogjune beyond a few people blogging in June, and given that most of us aren’t very active on Twitter these days, I’m not surprised you didn’t hear anything 😉

Genevieve 1 June 2024

I think it gets us writing – do you? I’ve just found some snippets I completely forgot I had. And enjoying having ideas. I’ve been struggling with writing personal stuff online, so this is a bit of a testing ground I think. But yes, I’ll also keep it simple. Just lovely to have other people to talk to in more than 280 characters I think.

Genevieve 1 June 2024

God this was a fluffy comment. I am sitting here after dinner thinking how silly it sounds. If I get another post or two done this June that will be enough. As you were, everyone.

flexnib 2 June 2024

I like the connecting with others and miss those simpler days (were they? am I being nostalgic). I like blogging as a medium and find myself wishing we could go back to the early 2000s before social media was social media and we all still cared about blog rolls, commenting on people’s blogs and commenting wasn’t so complicated!

trish 2 June 2024

BlogJune 4eva

flexnib 2 June 2024


Andrew 3 June 2024

I would have completely forgotten, except that when I opened Feedly this morning, there was a stream of blog posts, and I was like, “Oh crap, I gotta catch up!”

I think we still have a critical mass to keep this thing alive. 🙂

flexnib 3 June 2024

Yay, hurray for RSS! And yes I think we do have enough people blogging that #blogjune is still a thing.

snail 4 June 2024

The last few years I haven’t had the luxury of a couple of weeks of filmfest to carry the posting weight and thankfully, I’m not finding it less or more difficult coming up with stuff to post…admittedly some posts are a lot better than others 🙂

flexnib 4 June 2024

I don’t know how I’d get through if I didn’t have occasional chihuahua photo posts ;P