
Having posted two poems in the last two days, claiming I had handwritten transcriptions of them in my notebook, I thought I should post some photographic evidence of said copies.

“Being Boring” by Wendy Cope
“Ithaka” by C.P. Cavafy

The notebook I’ve been using is a 2019 diary from Studio Milligram. I like their diaries – their A5 ‘non-diaries’ in particular, although I don’t actually use them as diaries – they serve as my commonplace book.

I like keeping a commonplace book, and I think I have a few completed ones (i.e. all the pages are filled) around the place. I write down quotes from books, things people say, headlines. Notes in the languages I know. Practice writing Chinese characters 因为我已经忘记怎么写很多字了1。Lists of things I want to do as opposed to lists of things I have to do – things I have to do are in my Outlook calendar or in my work notebook. Lists of books I want to read. Lists of books compiled by other people e.g. “Best crime novels in 2023”. And poems. When I look through it, I realise there are many poems in my commonplace book.

  1. “because I’ve forgotten how to write lots of Chinese characters”. It’s a thing: even native speakers are forgetting how to handwrite Chinese because they’re getting so used to using keyboards instead ↩︎


snail 13 June 2024

I do this a little bit but mostly with computer based tools. I have a note taking app on my phone that I can access from my computer. On the computer, I use onenote a lot and have pages spread across folders and so on. So, many, glittering nuggets. Scattered.

Genevieve 17 June 2024

Milligram has some lovely notebooks of their own amid all the other offerings. I got annoyed when they scrapped some Daily and Weekly notebooks for folder inserts. Which I could easily have used, but decided were NOT what I wanted at the time.

Heh, glittering nuggets – so many, many things from online, not always retrievable. Hard copy is such a good thing to have.