And later…

Actually, I’m kind of glad I didn’t manage to post much this morning due to the network snags. I’d written a diatribe about stupid some people and their disparaging/derisive/demeaning reactions to those of us who like to play games on our computers. I guess I had the blogger’s equivalent of sleeping on it, even if it was forced on me by BitTorrents outside my control. Now I have the benefit of calm, I don’t think a post attacking television-watching, gardening, sporting activities, needlework and Barbie doll collecting is something I would have wanted to look back fondly on, later. (I hate it when I say things I regret later. It would have been worse to have had this particular slip-up in writing for all to read and re-read. Edit 8:05am 13 January 2006: And in case your interests are included in this list, please note that I don’t think any of these activities are worthy of insult, I was trying to make the point that they, like playing games, are all leisure interests, and no one is worse or better than any other. Except maybe fountain pen collecting. Oh wait, I didn’t add that to the list. Oh wait, I collect fountain pens…)

The virulent reaction from me was triggered off by this article, Warning: computer games are a health hazard, which was in yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald. Hopefully I don’t have a relapse – M wrote a comment in response to the article, and as a result a reporter from the SMH got in touch and interviewed him over the phone this morning. The reporter is legit (I’ve found a few articles with her by-line), but I wonder what she will make of the Perth guy who plays WoW with his wife.

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cherryripe 12 January 2006

Wow! Just had a look at the article and the comments – it’s obviously a subject close to quite a few people’s hearts. I noted there was a comment from someone who claimed that his girlfriend plays WoW with him, too – heh!

CW 13 January 2006

You’re right about it having struck a chord. In fact, I;ve noticed that those sorts of articles tend to evoke lots of responses 🙂

Paul Mannering 16 January 2006

Just curious why its so unbelievable that gamers share their game time with their spouses?

I know its statistically unlikely but I also I know of 4 couples (myself and mine included) that play online games together (Guild Wars).

We also socialise away from our keyboards on a regular basis too.

CW 16 January 2006

Paul, I have no idea why it’s so unbelievable. Maybe some in the mainstream media are only just starting to realise that games are not just something played by 10 year old boys (they can’t afford to buy them anyway!)…