News news

Woot! now has an RSS feed! I love being able to spot so many interesting posts in my aggregator – now I’ll always be distractedkept up!

Congratulations, Jon and team! I look forward to congratulating you in person tomorrow. Perth folks, there’s another bloggers’ meetup tomorrow (Wednesday) night. Apart from certain football-obsessed folks and those off having fun in distant places who won’t be along this time, I look forward to meeting Simone and catching up with Dee, Bret and everyone else.

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Simone 20 June 2006

Looking forward to meeting you and everyone else too!
Bugger that some can’t make it, but it’ll be hard to manage to speak to everyone with how many are coming as it is anyway! 😀
I’m not adding that feed to my bloglines, cos I’m having a hard time keeping up as it is!
I’ve finally got round to ‘fixing’ my links page, and have all the feeds that are under ‘Perth’ in there. OMG, there’s so many(and that’s minus all the others that I read).
Some I only skim, but still….!
And I still need to email some people too, and then actually write some blog posts! Argghhhhh, going crazy…!!!

Jon Y 20 June 2006

Hey guys,

Thanks for the kind words. Looking forward to our monthly catch-up Wed night. Somebody tell the Skribe family that it’s only Netherlands vs Argentina on Wed (and it starts at 1am)!

skribe 20 June 2006

Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it’s much more serious than that.
Bill Shankly.

CW 20 June 2006

See you this evening (except Skribe, Toxic Purity and JOOB)! 🙂