Meme: Eight

eight.JPGWhat is it about me and memes? They’re like dares, if I get tagged I have to do them. Even if I think they’re just like an earlier meme, only longer, and I don’t know what I’m going to write.

Anyway, Kathryn’s tagged me, so here’s eight random things about me:

  1. 3 of my 4 siblings blog (hi guys!)
  2. I have an irrational dislike of white shoes, due I think to the fact that I had to wear white shoes all through my primary school and much of my high school years (well you wanted random…)
  3. All my computer/IT skills (such as they are) are self-taught. Everything I know about typing I learned from online chat: IRC, EverQuest and various online games, IM…
  4. I love dictionaries and have a small collection, in a variety of languages. Which reminds me, I need to find a good Dutch-English dictionary for learners of Dutch.
  5. As a child I wanted to be a cartoonist when I grew up.
  6. I don’t know how to swim.
  7. All the shoes I own would be considered “sensible”. I don’t think I even remember how to walk in heels.
  8. According to Myers-Briggs my personality type is ISFJ.

This was hard to do and took far longer than I expected it to. I don’t think I’ll tag anyone as this meme has been doing the rounds for a while now and many people have already done it. If you haven’t, and feel like it, do!


jl 19 June 2007


I’m trying to remember what i wanted to be when i grew up… i don’t think i really did know.

CW 19 June 2007

Did you have to write down your three ambitions every year in primary school? I wrote cartoonist every year until Std 5 when Mrs Tee snorted and said that cartoonists don’t make any money and I should write teacher, or nurse instead. Actually I think this is the reason I remember my childhood ambition so well – it was dashed by the harsh words of the teacher…

Sheena 19 June 2007

I love dictionaries too! Two of my favourites are Reader’s Digest Reverse Dictionary and Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. And my other standby is The Oxford Classical Dictionary. One of my ambitions is to own the complete 22-vol copy of The Oxford English Dictionary.

jl 19 June 2007

I did. It was such pressure to write down something that would be deemed worthwhile. I don’t recall what i used to write; they were all lies anyway (like going to confession and just reciting a standard list of ‘sins’ – all meaningless).

CW 20 June 2007

Oh, Sheena, I’d love to have the OED too! I only have the 2-volume Shorter…

jl, I know what you mean! I seem to remember we had to write a list of three ambitions every year – “cartoonist” was the only one I meant, everything else was just filler! 🙂

juji 21 June 2007

i’m glad i never had a teacher say such a thing to me about being an artist …

though i do remember a family conversation where i said “i want to be a (famous) artist” (or something to that effect) and everyone told me i’d only be famous once i was dead!