I’m grateful for…

This is from Vox. Yesterday’s QotD (Question of the Day) was What are 20 things in your life that you’re grateful for?

  1. Having a good relationship with M.
  2. Baubles the Cat.
  3. Being healthy.
  4. Living in a safe environment.
  5. Tea.
  6. The Internet!
  7. Being a part of a profession with a long tradition, with a lot of interesting questions ahead of us.
  8. Early mornings.
  9. Passionfruit.
  10. All the friends I’ve made over the years.
  11. My Malaysian-Dutch-Australian Family.
  12. My cultural heritage.
  13. Being able to learn.
  14. The evening sky just before sunset.
  15. Comfortable shoes.
  16. RSS.
  17. Fountain pens.
  18. Reading.
  19. Music.
  20. A cold beer at the end of a long hot day.