Blogging paper

This is a bit late, but for those who are interested, here’s the article I wrote on blogging for the recent ALIA conference: Creating community: The blog as a networking device. I’ve deposited it into MPOW’s* institutional repository.

Thanks to Toby Burrows for the insightful conversation that gave me the Eureka! moment (when everything I was trying to say then fell into place), sirexkat for her great comments and help with the article when it was in gestation, and to all the library bloggers who responded to my small questionnaire – I couldn’t have done it without you. And although I’m not sure how you thank a nebulous entity, I should also thank the (biblio)blogosphere without which none of this would ever have happened.

I’ve deposited my wiki article on E-LIS and will link to it once it’s been approved and is up. I note that someone who attended the recent LIANZA conference has already got his paper up on E-LIS. Obviously a much more organised person than me!

*MPOW: My Place Of Work. Term popularised (at least in the biblioblogosphere) by The Free Range Librarian, I believe .


Provider of Eureka moments 19 October 2006

Glad I was able to help and that the conference went well! I’m now reading your blog through our new Confluence wiki which incorporates RSS feeds (and blogs). Very nifty!

CW 19 October 2006

Hi Toby!!! I was going to email my thanks to you – nice to hear from you here πŸ™‚ Must catch up properly soon, hope all’s well!

Iris 19 October 2006

Thanks for the link, CW! I’ve downloaded it and look forward to reading it this weekend. I can’t wait for the wiki article.

CW 19 October 2006

Cheers Iris! πŸ™‚ Any comments welcome!