Meeting a reader

Yesterday I met a longtime* reader of this blog for the first time. KR and his wife (whose name I don’t seem to know! Oops) are here from the UK visiting their son, MR who is one of M’s and my colleagues.

It was good to meet and say hello, but a little strange to realise that by the time he met me, KR already knew I have a cockroach phobia, am obsessed by fountain pens, and celebrate the Lunar New Year. KR thanked me for this blog (first time this has happened) and said he enjoys reading it every morning after he has collected his post. It was very nice of him to say so, and nice to know that someone enjoys reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it!

Anyway, KR and Mrs R, I hope you have a lovely time in Perth, despite our strange weather.

The rain this morning was lovely to listen to, and it now feels very cool and clean here (a good thing for someone who has cleaned up more cat chunder in the last 24 hours than she has seen in the last 15 years!).

*longtime is relative, of course. This blog hasn’t been around that long but as far as I know KR has been reading it for a while!