Synonyms for… trichobezoar*

Didn’t blog this morning, because, not only was I groggy from yet another late night (early Christmas celebrations with rellies visiting from Queensland)…


I spent a lot of time wiping up vomit. Baubles the Cat has been sick.

Poor Baubles the Cat. I don’t think she has had a good day today. It all started on Wednesday night after we got home. Baubles was happy to see us but after I gave her a drink of fresh water, she started throwing up. It wasn’t a normal, I’ve-just-got-a-furball-I-need-to-get-rid-of, puke. The sort that all cat lovers will know and sigh at, but patiently clean up. This involved lots of wretching and looking pitiful. It must have been quite uncomfortable for her.

She got through the night okay, but then after breakfast this morning, chucked up again. And again. When we left for work I made sure I didn’t leave her anything to eat – on the principle that if she does have an upset stomach it might be good to have a wee rest, but when we got home there was chunder in my study and in the bedroom. I felt sorry for her and gave her some chicken from my dinner, but she regurgitated that not long after eating it.

Poor Baubles the Cat! She seems bright enough – doesn’t look sick – and wants to eat and drink, but she can’t seem to keep it down. I think it’s time for another visit to the vet, tomorrow morning. I hope it’s just a firmly wedged furball or something else equally benign.

Update 8 December 5:48am: Baubles woke us up a couple of times during the night. Cat retching is very distinctive sounding.

Apparently trichobezoar is another word for furball. And why are the words associated with vomit so nauseating?


jl 8 December 2006

‘tricho’ i get but ‘bezoar’?

Poor Baubles – hope she recovers soon.

Iris 8 December 2006

I hope Baubles is feeling better by now! What a miserable experience, for both of you.

CW 10 December 2006

She seems a lot better now, thanks 🙂 I don’t know if it’s the meds or, if it was a bug affecting her, the fact that it’s gone through her system.