Via Moleskinerie, I’ve learnt about a site called Postcrossing, which allows people to send each other postcards. Because I can never resist receiving non-bills in the letter box, I’ve signed up and have received the address of someone in Finland who would love to receive postcards with fantasy, animal and music themes: so I am wondering if I will be able to find a postcard of a double-headed koala playing a didjeridu (or anything equally fantastic).
On my own profile I’ve owned up to liking postcards about places – buildings, historical and tourist destinations – as well as local plant and animal life, and local customs. Thought of adding “kitsch” to the list but decided that that just complicates things unnecessarily. After all, one person’s kitsch is another person’s treasure.
What I really ought to do, if I start receiving any postcards, is make sure I keep them all in a safe, easily accessible place. Although I happily admit to liking postcards (and letters), I have the bad habit of not filing things in an orderly manner and making it difficult to find things later. I do have lots of letters and things from years ago but they’re all mouldering in Postpak boxes in a cupboard and I couldn’t easily do anything as interesting as share a postcard a week with you – as Suze Oz is doing.
Do you have a wall or space around your desk where you can put up interesting postcards? That’s where I put any fun photos or postcards I receive. I got a gorgeous one from Venice of a painted cathedral ceiling for Easter from a friend.
Hi Sheena, I’m full of contradictions; although I don’t take enough care of letters and postcards by storing them safely, I have an aversion to pinning things up – because I don’t like the idea of pretty postcards fading in the sunlight. Your suggestion has given me an idea, though – I can scan postcards I want to look at and then use them as desktop backgrounds or share them on Flickr…! (Of course this involves a degree of organisation and commitment š )
Cute idea! I like getting stuff in the snail mail too still. Interestingly NZ Post is putting up their stamp rates (again) to .50cents for a normal national letter. It’s been .45 cents for only 2 years and they are already putting up the price again.