Good writers…

If I remember correctly, when I started blogging,  I hoped that the act of writing frequently would help improve my writing skills. I think I forgot about this aim as the months progressed. I was reminded of this aim when I read Walt Crawford, quoting the San Francisco Chronicle columnist Jon Carroll, yesterday:

I am sometimes asked for advice on writing. The only two things I know for sure are: Good writers read a lot, and good writers write a lot. As the artist Chuck Close said: “Amateurs look for inspiration; the rest of us just get up and go to work.”

I don’t think I have any particular talent for writing, but I’m sure I can benefit from continuing to practice this skill.


walt crawford 8 November 2007

I can only say that either the advice works, or you underestimate your writing, or maybe both.

CW 10 November 2007

Thanks for stopping by, and for the kind words, Walt!