
So the noise-cancelling earphones have been an utter revelation!! Why have I never used them before? (Now of course I am thinking I will have to try the uber pricey ones some time, if the cheap ones did a good job, what will the expensive top-of-the-range ones be like?)

They cut the drone of the plane engine significantly, so much that I actually enjoyed watching a movie. And most importantly, I managed to get some sleep overnight! It was not the best, most comfortable sleep one could hope for, but it was sleep, nonetheless, and I actually feel human this morning.

I’m typing this using Schipol Airport’s free wifi access and waiting for my flight to Helsinki. I can’t wait to get to the hotel and have a shower.

In the meantime I am enjoying sitting here listening to the airport staff make announcements in different languages, and watching people get their flights. Announcements for Venice, Stuttgart, Geneva, Moscow… You’re not in Kansas, I mean, Perth, anymore, girl!