Misplaced guilt

I was lamenting the fact that I hadn’t managed to blog for a couple of days, then realised that I have been blogging – just not here. In the last two days I’ve written three blog posts, one at LINT and two at work (on intranet so can’t link ’em) and made minor corrections to another couple of blog posts, written by a colleague.

So there.


Angel 14 December 2007

I try not to worry too much as of late when I don’t blog in one place. Often, it turns out I did blog someplace else (even if it was on the scratch pad blog). Anyhow, life does go on.

Best, and keep on blogging.

Cheryl Hagedorn 15 December 2007

Hi. I believe in giving flowers while the person is alive so I thought you’d want to know that someone recommended you as a possible resource for a dilemma that I had. I have a blog about blooks and a commenter left a note in a language that I thought might be Malay. When I asked for help determining the language, the Vampire Librarian had this to say: “You could ask Constance Wiebrands very nicely to take a look. Tell her I referred you. (She used to comment on my blog.) She knows Malaysian and is a librarian.”

So kudos, you apparently made a friend!

CW 17 December 2007

Hi Angel, you are right of course – life goes on! 🙂

Hello Cheryl, thanks for stopping by, and for the flowers 🙂 Oh, and did you ever ask for the help? 😀