Christmas Eve

Misc 003

Originally uploaded by Constance Wiebrands.

Around ours this is the only evidence that it’s almost Christmas – the Christmas cards.

Writing Christmas cards this year has been a bit sad because I no longer need to write a card in Chinese – to my grandmother. On the other hand, this year I wrote two cards in Dutch, to Opa (M’s granddad) and a relative in the Netherlands.

Oh, and yesterday the other proof of the season was the gingerbread that I spent almost all day baking. M and I have to work today, and the gingerbread is meant to console us and our workmates…


jl 24 December 2007

You have to work today? Bah.

CW 24 December 2007

Not sure how productive I’ll be, but yes. But after today I’ll be on hols until the 7th! Yay! 🙂