Sharing on Google Reader

Any of you Google Reader users use the share feature a lot? What sorts of things do you share?

Do you follow other people’s shared items? The only person I know of who actively looks at my shared items and comments on them (verbally) is M.

Just looking at my shared items and wondering why I usually don’t bother to blog them. Actually, I think I know why I don’t blog them – it’s the time factor again. I follow so much stuff in Reader that I’d have to give up my day job to blog everything that was interesting.


techxplorer 13 August 2008

Perhaps once the Citation Aggregator plugin that we’ve been working on for Libraries Interact is released we could expand it to include aggregating items shared on Google Reader which would broaden the visibility of your shared items.

Just a thought…

CW 13 August 2008

You beat me to my punchline, techxplorer! was just starting to think out loud about this… 🙂

Sue 13 August 2008

Actually I always look at your shared items in Google reader. Sometimes we are reading the same things but your reading (and sharing) is just different enough from mine to make it a valuable resource for me. The limitations of Google Reader shared items is that it is restricted to those that you have used Google talk with. In my case they are only a few people.

Sue 13 August 2008

PS I aggregate my shared items with my delicious tagged items into a feed that I display on my blog. This means that I do think about my (imaginary)audience before hitting the share button. If its just for me I star it instead.

Angel 13 August 2008

I have Google Reader set up, but I rarely use it. I have to agree on the time issue of blogging items of interest. I am not sure yet about the allure of the sharing feature, and I am still using Bloglines. However, given the troubles the Bloglines Beta has been having lately (got so bad I went back to using the old version), I am seriously considering just moving over to the Google Reader once and for all (I have all my feeds in both places)

What I have been doing, as a sort of mini-blogging is posting items of interest in my FB profile once in a while with a bit of commentary. It is simple and quick, and I don’t have to open the blogging program to post something brief. Anyhow, that is still sort of an experiment.

Best, and keep on blogging.

genevieve 14 August 2008

Oh wow, brave new world that has such news-sharing in it. I know, I know, it’s not new really. But I have had a better look at the page someone is sharing with me now, and found I actually had one already! scary.

Now I just have to figure out what the hell would happen to my blog if I didn’t share the news there!! Funny thing is, I have readers who say they rely on me for that news. So I would be excluding them if I reverted to the other, unless I published a feed on the blog. I would also run the risk that the less tech-minded of them (some are writers) would not even look at that feed, and might stop reading altogether.
Thanks for getting me thinking, Con.

suze 1 September 2008

No I just don’t ahve time to read anything Shgared. I barely have enough time to read my feeds. I do use Google reader every day – don’t know how I got by without it!