Dog duo

Our two chihuahuas are an integral part of the household.

The dogs love nothing better than snuggling up in bed with M.

Most mornings after I take them out for a brief constitutional, they hop back into bed while I spend time in my study. It’s no longer possible for M to sleep in, as both dogs bounce on him at around 7am, to wake him up. Part of their morning routine is a t-r-e-a-t (the word makes Paco perk up, which in turn gets Peppi excited.)

We haven’t gone through a winter with Peppi yet. I predict that she will turn into a Doona Burrower when the temperatures drop.

In this photo on the right they were resting on the couch after some vigorous wrestling.

It is interesting to see how different each dog is. Paco is very confident and quietly happy in himself. Peppi on the other hand is rather more nervous and uncertain. When something new is presented to them, Paco wants to come up immediately, tail wagging, to see what it is. Peppi is always unsure, and often gets defensive. Peppi stands back and stares. If she is feeling particularly uncertain, she barks at the new thing, and then moves away.


Penny 16 February 2009

heh – Doona Burrower.. sounds like a new species. It needs a latin name. 😉

CW 18 February 2009

There are canine and feline Donna Burrowers… I wish I knew enough Latin to coin names for these sub-species 😉