
  1. For having an opportunity to think about myself and my goals – Aurora was an amazing experience! I am still pondering what I learned, about myself and others. (Happy to tell more if you’re interested, let me know.)
  2. For family. Daughter no 2 arrived for my brother and his wife on the weekend. Welcome to the world, Zoe!
  3. For art galleries. I am a new fan of the National Gallery of Australia and the National Portrait Gallery, having had an opportunity to visit both while in Canberra last week. I want to go back!
  4. For my eeepc. It was a delight to travel with: so light and so easy to use.
  5. For new friends. I seem to have made a few last week.


snail 2 March 2009

Won’t you get excommunicated for sharing about Aurora…I thought it was a sekkrit society afterall 🙂 Recently got an eee 901 and can feel the extra weight over the 701. Still beats a regular laptop though and the battery life is fab.

CW 2 March 2009

There’s nothing wrong with sharing what I personally learned at Aurora 🙂 I wouldn’t dream of talking about what we actually did during the 5 days, even if we hadn’t been asked not to. Firstly it would take far too long, secondly I couldn’t do it justice (you really had to be there), and thirdly it would definitely spoil it for future Aurorans – and I couldn’t do that! 😀

genevieve 2 March 2009

Ooh, I must go to Canberra after seeing my sister now. Thanks for the heads-up.
Zoe is beautiful!!

snail 2 March 2009

In that case, I am destined never to know what goes on at Aurora 😛