Book Circle Book Three… and Four

I am very very late with the third book I was meant to have read for the Book Circle: April’s book, In defense of food: An eater’s manifesto by Michael Pollan. In fact, I haven’t even managed to read it.  I kept putting off blogging about it, because I kept hoping that I would actually manage to get through it if I left it long enough. However, given that May is now over – and I have finished the May book! – I think it’s time to just admit defeat with In defense of food, for now, and hope that I will get through it some other time. I don’t know exactly why the book didn’t grab me. The bits I read were readable enough. I think it was just the wrong book for the time. (Kate on the other hand enjoyed it, as did Penny, and Mel – I think I shall have to go back to it sometime soon.)

I did manage to read the May book, The 19th wife by David Ebershoff, however.  I don’t think it was the sort of novel I would have picked up of my own accord, so I have the book circle to thank for the fact that I enjoyed it.

Without giving too much away (should you want to try it for yourself), it was the story of a young man who was abandoned by his mother, and excommunicated by the fundamentalist polygamous Mormon sect he was born into. He goes back to his home when his mother is accused of murdering his father, and tries to find out what really happened. Another story is told at the same time, that of the “19th wife” of the Mormon leader Brigham Young. I did occasionally find the changes in narrator a bit confusing and found myself wondering how much of the book was historical fact and how much was made up. Oh, and I could not understand how the fundamentalist Mormon women put up with being plural wives. (Mel‘s read this one too.)


Kate 2 June 2009

I’m waiting for a copy of 19th Wife from the library, so it could be much later in the year that I get the book.
It’s interesting how we all react/relate to the same book isn’t it?
My kids both had a sign at the back of their classroom in kindergarten – “Everyone is different and that is OK”
It’s a bit of a mantra in our household!

CW 2 June 2009

I am very naughty, I just buy the books when they are not available at the library! Should I lend you my copy via the post? 🙂

Penny 2 June 2009

🙂 I’m still waiting for my copy too! I think I’m 46 on the list. But Em has it so she is going to send it to me I think. I’m not sure if this one will appeal but I’m keen to give it a go 😉

Kate 25 June 2009

Back again- and I’ve finished (and I’ll post your book back- thanks!)
I enjoyed the book, probably wouldn’t have read it if I wasn’t in this group 🙂
I get a bit irritated with the whole history fiction thing sometimes- it seems a bit lazy taking history and then writing a work of fiction- what’s accurate history and what isn’t? I got a bit confused at times with who was the narrator too.
If I’m going to find out more about polygamy- I’ll stick to watching ‘Big Love’- which I really enjoy- probably because it’s more a bout the 3 wives and their relationships.
