Life in 100 words

Great idea from Darcy Moore – “offer your life story in 100 words”.


Born in Malaysia. Australia is now where I feel right, but moving here aged 15 was a major disruption. “Where do I fit?” Spent a year in China. Chinese heritage is just that. Happy in-between: multicultural. Multilingual. Irreligious. When I stopped looking, I found my soul mate. Getting more conscious of my blind spots, even if I still can’t see them. Easily bored, impatient. Obsessed with old (classical music, fountain pens) and new (gadgets, ways to connect). Now in my second career, I both love and loathe librarianship. A dog person, after a long time being an avowed cat person.

A tough exercise, and even my years of Twitter haven’t made it any easier! I could have agonised for longer, but decided I was being too precious.

What would your 100 words say?


Hoi 22 February 2011

I am still working on my 100 words and yes, it is sooo hard! Enjoy reading yours =)

Lutie 22 February 2011

I’m 46, but typed 42 when quickly trying to decide how old I was. Significant? Have learnt lots, some through the school of hard knocks. Still have a lot to learn but find the process gets easier as I get older. The most important thing I’ve learnt is NOW is the time to be happy. You can’t control the waves, all you can do is learn to surf. I don’t believe in God; I believe in compassion. I used to be afraid of getting hurt but I have found myself to be tough as old boots and no longer fear.

John Ling 8 March 2011

My 100 words would read a lot like yours, actually. Just minus the bits about librarianship and being a cat person. =)

julochka 9 May 2011

search you tube for third culture kids…there are some great videos there that will speak to that born in malaysia – live in Oz – time-spent in China thing.

cool exercise this 100 words thing.


p.s. i found you through kit lane’s #FF