Graphic accompaniments

Sony ereader screensavers

One of the features of the Sony ereader that has nothing at all to do with reading, but that I really like, is the ability to place your own photos on the device and use them as screensavers.

I currently have six different images on the Sony. The image above, stitched together using Paint, shows the six images in their original colour; on the Sony they are black and white, of course. (No colour eInk yet.)

No surprises that most of them are of M and the chihuahuas. The sixth is a photo of one of my heavily-laden, currently somewhat neglected, bookcases.

This post was brought to you by the Uber Libearian. I quote from her blog: “Blogs are meant to be imperfect. They are a place for perpetual drafts. Therefore I will stop waiting until I have “time” to write my blog, and I will put things up here briefly and quickly and perhaps even with incorrect grammar and spelling (HORROR!).”

One Comment

snail 14 February 2011

Good advice from Uber Libearian…I used to do that but now seem to be caught on bottlenecks. I have several lengthier posts in draft that I never seem to get round to finishing. On the other hand, I’ve enjoyed miniblogging via #dailyimage2011.