Day 3

31.5.2011I missed my post yesterday. But this is not a test or an assignment, and there are no rules, so I’m moving on.

Friday, and being on the mend from a cold and asthma, I’m grateful for:

  1. tea
  2. asthma medications that reduce my coughing amazingly. (I still cough, but they’re not the gut wrencing, lung expelling coughs that cause tears to roll down your face and completely wear you out and cause the chihuahuas to stop and stare with concern)
  3. a warm bed in a home that I love being in
  4. plentiful entertainments when sick. When I’m sick I love to read. I note where I used to have piles of books next to my sickbed, I now have piles of gadgets. Ereader (which holds my piles of books), iPad (for all other reading and idle chat with friends), phone (just in case, also for musical interludes). When sick videos or tv don’t appeal, for some reason.
  5. the chihuahuas. (Some of you are likely sick of listening to me go on about my chihuahuas, but ah well.) They are superb company when you’re sick – dare I say it, better than my old cat ever was for comforting you when you’re feeling sorry for yourself. They don’t scratch and they love to snuggle up close, and they’re good at making me laugh.

Update: photo added per Penny’s request. (Although, it occurs to me you’ve already seen this picture, Penny!)


Penny 3 June 2011

hope you feel better soon Con. And, where is the chi-photo?! πŸ˜›

kim 3 June 2011

I spent yesterday on the couch with Yumi popping in to keep me company. Only she is so big now I had to kick her off the couch cos she takes up so much room. She was not amused. Get better soon.

flexnib 4 June 2011

Thanks for stopping by, Penny πŸ™‚

I’m on the mend, thanks Kim. Yumi is going to be huge, isn’t she? While big dogs are lovely, I must say I am biased towards small dogs, cos you can pick them up and cuddle them!

snail 7 June 2011

I never get sick of hearing about the chis πŸ™‚